Be aware - all techniques, all outside activities are only hints to your authentic be-ing your center - pure consciousness - silent witnessing

For whom is Kyeok Sul Won - Hapkido suitable for?

Since Kyeok Sul Won - Hapkido is a traditional and realistic self-defense art, we do not conduct competitions such as martial arts, in which the most effective self-defense techniques are dispensed with by the portrayal!

Based on the basic principles, Hapkido can be learned by you regardless of age, gender and physical factors such as height and strength. You will be able to find out how, at first, different and independently considered motivations, such as

  • Health and fitness training,
  • Experience of friendship and trust, 
  • Learning self-defense, 
  • Holistic training of body and mind with resulting self-recognition 

in Hapkido combine to a whole.

Integration of uncompromising self-defense art into a holistic way of life

As part of the training, you will first learn the basic principles of unarmed self-defense, the execution of which involves holistic training of the body and consciousness as well as the activation of inner healing powers. 

By combining a variety of combat techniques such as levers, throws, punches and kicks, you will learn to never counter an attack with rigor, but to redirect your opponent's energy against him. The movements flow smoothly into each other and are based on the principle of circular motion.

Hapkido is similar to the element water, which adapts to the changed circumstances. After internalizing this basic principle in body and consciousness, you can discover your own way of life and walk in harmony with yourself and nature. Hapkido also involves learning various forms of meditation and natural healing techniques.


Hapkido - Interested Parties, we offer the opportunity to introduce themselves for a free trial training by appointment!

Training Times

Mo: 08:00 - 09:00 pm
We: 07:00 - 08:30 pm 
Fr: 06:30 – 08:00 pm

Child, senior and women's training as well as training for persons with physical disabilities is possible separately on request.

Membership Fee

Hapkido: 80,00 Euro / p.M. 
(3 Training days per week)

One-time admission fee: 80,00 Euro
The contract period is 6 months and is extended by a further 6 months, if not canceled 4 weeks before expiry of the contract in writing. From green belt each EUR 10 more p.M.